ACCELER-8 (8 week small group exercise class)

Small group Personal Training allows for customization to individual goals, along with encouragement from working out with your group.

Effective and safe exercise programs designed to meet the goals of increasing strength, mobility, endurance, and overall fitness. Activate your muscles to function efficiently and effectively through…

  • Core training that builds a firm foundation of strength and dynamic stability of the hips, trunk, and shoulders
  • Circuits and exercise complexes to allow customization to individual abilities and goals, to boost metabolism, to increase strength and to promote fat loss
  • Low to moderate impact movements for protection of joints, but will greatly impact your fitness level

Get the most out of your time during this 45-60 minute workout and develop movement efficiency that will help you meet your goals whether that includes weight loss, toning up or improved energy and strength

*Call for available classes or if you want to set up your own group.
